How to Identify Hypocritical People to Improve Our Social Skills

Having double standards instead of just the one they preach.

Alicia Molina
3 min readMar 26, 2021
A person wearing a anonimous mask
Foto de Anete Lusina en Pexels

A Couple of days ago, I went to buy groceries. While I was in line to be attended to, an older woman jumps the cue in front of me like nothing happened, so I ignore her attitude and let it pass. Still, a few minutes later, while we were cueing again to pay at the register, somebody else tried to jump the cue in front of her; she got mad, confronted the other client, and lecture him about good manners; I thought — what a hypocrite!

We are surrounded by hypocritical people or people with hypocritical behavior, so is there a difference, or how can we identify those people to avoid them.

There is a difference. Everybody is or has been hypocritical at some point in their lives, and the difference is if we do it consciously or unconsciously. Like this old lady, she complained about this other customer jumping the cue when she did the same thing to me a few minutes before, but maybe she wasn´t aware of the fact that she jumped the cue as well; that's hypocritical behavior.

According to Wikipedia, “Hypocrisy is the practice of engaging in the same behavior or activity for which one criticizes another or the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to…



Alicia Molina

Kindergarten teacher. Love reading. Love pets. Just a simple girl trying to speak her mind @AliciaMolina_Wr 🇪🇸